Syndicate Project
вторник 24 марта admin 59
TheSyndicateProject Digital Star, Vlogger The longtime gamer (real name: Tom Cassell) was the first person to hit 1 million followers on live-streaming platform Twitch back in 2014. New Update Check His Channel Out TheSyndicateProject Also Check Out My Channel BrackenHDGamer Subscribe To My Youtube Channel For My Adventure Map Coming Soon Its 10 Done.adslot overlay position absolute font family arial sans serif background color rgba 0 0 0 0.65 border 2px.
Beholder apk. A YouTube channel belonging to the always sexy Tom. He is famous for his Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer, Black Ops: Zombies, and Black Ops Multiplayer, and most recently, Minecraft commentations.
He is also famous for his classy sayings such as ', ', and the always original 'Boobs'. He must like boobs ALOT. Doraemon story of seasons harvest moon. He is a down to Earth commentator who always 'keeps it real'. He is the cause of getting guys laied since 2009 also:) Tweet Him: @ProSyndicate Join His Fan Page on Facebook: /TheSyndicateProject Show him the love he deserves!:).
Girl: 'You ever heard of TheSyndicateProject?' Boy: 'OH MY GOD.he loves boobs and so do I!!' Girl: 'I HAVE BOOBS and he makes me!' Boy: 'JESUS CHRIST! Look at this boner just from talking about him!' Girl: 'That's NOT ' Boy: (Insert Tumblr meme here) 'WHY YOU NO LIKE IT?' Girl: 'Cause is bigger.and he belongs to the 1337 club.'
Boy: 'I must do better!anyway.You wanna come play COD at my house?' .Syndicate voice. 'It's boobaliciously amazing' Girl: 'Okay.I'll just have sex with you because you watch him'.
Syn`′tion, n. Syndicate a council or body of syndics, 1624; a combination of financiers or of newspapers proprietors, 1865.