Apartfrom the London University courses taught by highly skilled teachers,it is also home to schooling for children where teachers giveassignments to their students each week. So, if you have children,enrol them into a schooling program where they can meet otherchildren, and have fun in the process.
We also have a mentoring program, geared towards new artists who need help with the ins and outs of the music business. Here, each newbie is assigned a mentor who will answer any questions about Popmundo. It's a very friendly relationship, intended to help the newbie get comfortable with Popmundo mechanics.
The overall education program is run by our Minister of Education: Tess Garrido (temporary)
Every Popmundo year has multiple global events.These events are special days which allow you to improve your mood bydoing something specific. These global holidays are:
- Valentine's Day- Day14 on the Popmundo calendar: Celebrate Valentine's Day by giving aValentine's Day card to someone you have high romance with. V-Day cardscan be purchased in most generic shops under the Toys category for £33($50).
Note: Children under 12 can use a Jack-O-Lantern on Halloween to gain an experience point.
- Day of the Dead- Day 28 on the Popmundocalendar. Celebrate the Day of the Dead by killing zombies in the Crypt using your shotgun and/or chainsaw.
Note: Placeholder.
- Halloween- Day 48 on the Popmundocalendar: Celebrate Halloween by scaring people with a Hallowen MonsterMask while interacting. No prior relationships needed. Monster Maskscan be purchased in most generic shops under the Toys category for £33($50).
Note: Children under 12 can use a Jack-O-Lantern on Halloween to gain an experience point.
- Christmas- Day 52 on the Popmundo calendar: CelebrateChristmas by opening wrapped gifts on Christmas day. Gifts can bewrapped one week in advance by ticking the giftwrap box when buying anitem, at no extra cost.
Note: Christmas gifts can lead to a Mood gain or loss. It is completely random whether you will like the gift or not. Gifts can only be opened on Christmas day.
- New Year's Eve- Day 56 on the Popmundo calendar:Celebrate New Year's by setting off a Small Set of Fireworks. Fireworkscan be purchased in most generic shops under the Toys category for £7($10).
Note: Fireworks cannot be taken on flights. They will be confiscated when you board a plane.
City specific events are normally run by our Minister of Culture: Vacant (please contact the Mayor if you're interested in taking this position)
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-Fire Fighting-
Fires are an everyday part of life for business owners, and the London Fire Brigade is always on call.
Firescan be started in two ways: The first being criminals who use molotovcocktails to set locales on fire. This is a crime in all cities, andcomes with a harsh punishment. The second way is by failing fire basedevents during your shows, such as setting off fireworks or burning aflag. It is recommended that you are fully skilled in the requiredskills before attempting these events.
If you have started a fire by accident, or you come across a fire in a locale, you should contact the London Fire Brigade here-
Message: 1187412.1.You can also put fires out yourself, but it requires the BasicFirefighting skill and a fire extinguisher. You're not guaranteed tosucceed, even when fully skilled, but any amount of help to ease thestrain on official firefighters is greatly appreciated.
- London Fire Brigade- Message: 1550659.1: Thread used by the fire chief to announce job openings.
London's fire services are run by our Fire Chief: Kaylin England
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Hostelsare apartments left open by their owners. Anyone is free to stay thenight inside, if they want to avoid paying for a hotel. Sometimes youwill find items laying inside, many times by those willing to helpnewbies out. However, avoiding picking up tagged items, since you willbe charged with handling stolen goods if you try to tag them yourself.To find a list of hostels in all cities, go here-
Message: 721962.2.Back To Top
Thereare several ways to get a job once you arrive in the city. You can readthe latest edition of It's Pop magazine and peruse the want ads, go tothe locale you want to work at, and take an open job position, or go onwelfare and wait to be hired. How you do it is up to you, but chancesare, your first job won't pay well unless you contact your boss. There are several skills that youcould obtain and improve for higher paying jobs. A few examples are:
- Basic Cooking- Improving this skill to 1* opens up the option to become a Chef in restaurants.
- Basic Engineering-The city reservoir and power plant relies on Engineers to keep them intop condition. Improving this skill to 4* opens up the option to havethis high paying job.
- Basic Firefighting-While you don't need this skill to take a job as a Firefighter, Londondoes not hire people without it. If you are interested in a job as aFirefighter, check with the Fire Chief to see if accommodations can bemade. The city needs firefighters, so we try to help those interested.
- Basic Law- Improving this skill to 1* opens up the option to become a Lawyer in law firms. Lawyers can be one of the highest paying jobs.
- Basic Media Manipulation- Improving this skill to 1* opens up the option to become a PR Manager in record studios.
- Basic Medicine- Improving this skill to 2* opens up the option to become a Doctor in hospitals.
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TheOld Bailey stands proudly as home to the prestigious Justice Departmentof London. Our department stands as one of the fairest in Popmundo. Judgeshandle each case fairly in a court of law, and when they're not outsentencing criminals, they're performing weddings. InLondon, each sentence is always under the minimum and maximum allowed byspecific guidelines set by the Chief Justice. The defendant can be judgedinnocent or guilty. Judges check the hard evidence which connect a personto a crime before giving a verdict. Other information likeinterrogations, blogs, or PMs are totally ignored. Judges will also takeinto account the severity of the crime and the personal criminalhistory of the defendant.
Special Agents pursue high valuecriminals into other cities, and even across international lines. Theygo where the New Met Police are not allowed to go, and have theauthority to arrest criminals who are wanted for crimes with a severitylevel of 5 or above both in London and in the specific city they areoperating. You must be VIP to take a job as a Special Agent.
Below is a list of Justice related threads:
- News and Discussion from the Chief Justice:Message: 1740922.1
- Judging Guidelines- Guidelines on the specifics of laws and details of city specific descriptions: Message: 1740925.1
- Justice Vacancies- Openings for SA or Judge are announced here: Message: 1743165.1
London's Justice Department is run by our Chief Justice: Anabelle Scott
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-Medical-Illnesscomes in many forms, and doctors can heal most of your ailments. If youare affected by Bubonic Plague, Chlamydia, Cholera, Cold, Flu, Rabies,Scabies, Typhus, or the Zombie Virus then you should contact a doctoras soon as possible here-
Message: 1810470.1. You should also avoid interacting with other people until you have been cured.
Chlamydiais slightly different from other diseases. It is a Sexually TransmittedDisease that can be caught from groupies or other people. Condoms canprotect you from getting it, but only from other people. You do not usecondoms with groupies, so you will always run the risk of catching it.
'Ailments'that cannot be healed are: Acne, Fear of Death, Guilty Conscience,Hangovers, Ovulation, Puberty, Pregnancy, Tinnitus, and TravelSickness. You must wait for these 'Affected By:' states to pass ontheir own after a period of time. These ailments cannot be transferredto other people via interactions, so you do not need to close yourselfoff to the public.
Vaccines can be purchased at a hospital to help prevent contracting illnesses. Vaccines are only effective if taken before contracting that particular strain.
All medical services and prevention campaigns are handled by our Minister of Health: Ava Ayling
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TheNew Met Police are the pride of London law enforcement. They handle alllaw enforcement matters on a local scale, from gathering evidence toarresting criminals inside city limits. To become a police officer, youneed
the Basic Detective Skill. However, that alone does not make a decent officer. The ideal officeris well versed in multiple evidence collection methods, such asFingerprint Recognition, Image Analysis, and DNA Analysis. You can alsobecome a K-9 officer if you are skilled in Animal Training, whichallows you train dogs to sniff out criminals hiding in locales.
Withfurther training, you can become one of the prestigious SWAT officersthat enter the homes of criminals, and take the fight to them. Tobecome a SWAT officer, you must be VIP and have 3* in Special Weaponsand Tactics and Basic Fire Arms.
You can assist the New Met Police in several ways:- Ifyou see a criminal that is wanted in London, contact the nearest policeofficer or even the Chief of Police. It must be someone who has brokena law in the city.
- If you find evidence of a crime, you can report it here- Message: 1810565.1. Officers can then go and analyse the evidence, which brings them a step closer to catching the criminal.
- Ifsomeone breaks into your flat, you should contact an officer at soon aspossible and allow them to access your home to analyse the evidenceleft behind.
For you safety:
- Always wear your items. Wearing an item (when possible) will prevent theft of the item.
- Skill up Basic Martial Arts. It can improve your chance to avoid thieves.
- Theonly safe place for your rare items at the moment is the Tour Bus. Ifyou have some item at home or in your car, you have to be aware theycan be stolen. Criminals can break into your house to pick up items andcan steal from your vehicle too some time in the future.
Local law enforcement is headed by our Chief of Police: Jeffrey Wright
She is assisted by our Deputy Chief of Police: Vacant
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