Hero Smash Rng
четверг 02 апреля admin 1
Aug 01, 2019 The Smash Bros. DLC train keeps rolling along with the introduction of Dragon Quest’s Hero, and while Persona 5’s Joker is a tough act to follow, Hero keeps the ride running smoothly. If you don't already know, Hero has a mechanic in his kit that is based heavily on RNG (Random Number Generator). While pressing down-B, a.
So the main fear with Hero is the potential for a top level competitor to essentially get defeated by random chance while used by some 'no-name' player. Obviously this possibility can't be entirely excluded since the potential high rolls could make Hero the best character in the game.But how often is this actually going to occur?
Although moves like Whack and Thwack can possibly K.O. An opponent at 0%, this occurrence is exceedingly rare. Remember that this attack's chance to defeat someone in a single blow is increased based on how high a character's damage sits at.Critical hit smash attacks are also quite powerful. These tend to be more frequent than the one-hit properties of the aforementioned specials.
Given the right circumstances, it's once again possible that these attacks are able to steal stocks at ludicrously low percents — including 0%.I recently attended a small round-robin tournament, ended up winning, and somehow managed to not drop a set. Ironically enough, the only matches I lost were against Hero users as I was unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of critical hit forward smashes.It most definitely does not feel good to experience a loss to these type of attacks. Ultimately though, I accepted that it was my own fault for being hit by these smashes in the first place, even though I was at what is normally a safe damage threshold.Against Hero, it's important to keep a cool head and play cautiously. Although the character is able to create situations that can really put a player on tilt, letting things get to you only makes you more susceptible to losing against his tools.If we were to look at the frame data of Hero's smash attacks and actually ignore the critical hit chance, there's not really a lot to these moves. They're pretty unsafe on shield, so you just need to play around them as though they're always a threat.There's also the case for Hero's other Command Selection specials. Oomph, Psyche Up, and Acceleratle are extremely powerful buffs, but they have slight drawbacks and limitations.Bounce is a tool that completely nullifies and counters zoning as long as it is active. This doesn't change the fact that Hero's approach options are slow (unless Acceleratle is also active).
It's not too difficult to wait until the barrier disappears before resuming your zoning.Magic Burst and Kamikazee are very strong when used near the ledge against a recovering opponent. Having said that, there are a number of characters that can snipe Hero with a projectile as he is paying attention to his menu. Wii Fit Trainer and Zelda are good examples of fighters that can do this.Hocus Pocus' effects can be completely random.
While there's a chance that the player can become completely invincible or giant-sized, there's also the possibility that this move can completely backfire on them.As for all the other specials, the player will generally need time to mentally process which technique they want to use in situations where they can still be pressured. Otherwise, they'd just have to take a chance and test their luck by selecting whatever comes first. Again, this can net a negative result for them.Although it's a good idea to want to keep the opponent pressured so they can't freely access Command Selection, it's still important to play cautiously around their options as previously mentioned.While up special, forward special, and neutral special are also incredibly powerful in their own right, they are all linked to a mana system. If they keep using spells too often, their resources will eventually run dry.All of this is attached to a character with somewhat sluggish aerials, tilts, and jabs. This isn't to say they're bad, but plenty of other characters have way better normals.So what does this mean for Hero? It's not to say he's amazing or even bad. Simply put, there's some counterplay present — even when it comes to his heavy reliance on RNG.More importantly, it's unlikely that Hero will become overcentralized in the game's meta.
This is the only reason why there was talk to ban Meta Knight in Brawl and Bayonetta in Smash 4.Thinking about it logically, if a high level player is in the grand finals going 2-2 against some opponent, how are they most likely going to respond in the next game: a character they're most familiar with or take some chances with Hero's RNG?Most of the world's best competitors stick with the characters that they choose because they feel the most consistent to them. Indeed, these are usually the top tiers.While Hero does have the potential to high roll and completely rob games, they also have a chance to net absolutely terrible luck too.
This doesn't offer the type of consistency that most top players seek.So while I'll hold the opinion that Hero's overall design isn't particularly interesting, there doesn't really appear to be anything that suggests that the character needs to be banned from tournament play.Casino image source:.
Oh thanks for the feature :)
Heya! It’s your old mess Zay here and I wanna ask you a question. Love explaining how Hero himself is too RNG based? Well here’s a blog of too much RNG! Everything from Peach and Daisy’s turnips to G&W’s Judgment, I got it all, I hope. So let’s get into the blog. Also the reason it’s gonna be in parts is that I don’t wanna make a hella long blog.
I’ve seen PJiggles’ video about everything RNG but I’m not copyrighting. I got the idea from that video.
First, what is RNG?
For you of those who do not what RNG stands for.. It means “Random Number Generator”. Random number generators do not follow an algorithm that can not be predicted to what happens next. So every time something RNG happens pretty much the code doesn’t run a predictable algorithm. I think* :eyes:
*Pretty much gathered this info from what I was told by someone awhile ago.
Fighters (Part 1)
A wide variety of characters in Smash Ultimate have things RNG based. I will go over each RNG thing for each character (if they have one) and explain how it is RNG based. And I’m not going in any order sooo yeah. LOL this might sound like a guide in a way but trust me this is RNG.
Peach and Daisy
Peach and Daisy’s down special run on RNG. They both pull of a turnip from the ground with variations of faces. The most common turnip being a smiling one. You can look at the cover of this post for a reference. The rarer the expression, the more damage it’ll do. Hey! I THOUGHT I TURNED ITEMS OFF! It is very rarely that Peach and Daisy will pull out Mr. Saturn, an automatic shield breaking item, or a Bob-oms, an explosive item. So convinced this game is full of RNG or just Hero? Okay let’s move on to the next fighter.
Mr. Game and Watch
“Mr. Game and Watch uses side special too much!”
Quit your complaining. Being stereotypical can’t get you out of this one. Mr. G&W’s side special called “Judgment” consists of 9 types of outcomes.
Judgment 1 being the weakest, causing minimal damage to your opponent and inflicting damage to yourself. Judgment 2, a weak one that does minimal knock back, it has a 1/5 chance (20% chance) of tripping the opponent. Judgement 3, a moderate swing, sending in shielded opponents the opposite way of G&W’s view. Judgment 3 also does good shield damage. Judgment 4, a swing with a slash effect. Judgment 5 consists of a multi-hit electric attack.
Holy crap this list still going. Judgment 6 is a “semi-spike” flame attack. Judgment 7 is somewhat moderate knock back that produces 3 apples if it
hits a shield or opponent. Judgment 8 is a freeze effect blah blah blah, and Judgment 9 is a OHKO from the ledge of FD. Again, these follow RNG because of multiple outcomes, with a 1/9 (.11111[repeating]%) of hitting any Judgment.
That’s not all that’s RNG from G&W. There’s one more thing. G&W’s neutral special, “Chef”. The food that comes out of the pan does not come out in a specific order. Again RNG takes care of this. Onto the next fighter.
Now, for all of you on quick play and stuff, the OG 0-death doesn’t work anymore because I’m pretty sure it got nerfed. So yay for people going against Luigi. Luigi’s side special “Green Missile” has two out comes, the first one being a regular fire which holding allows you to change the distance you travel. The second outcome being what is called a “Misfire” which is a more faster, and more damage inflicting than Green Missile. I tested this out in Training Mode; misfire does not have any pattern therefore it is random.*
*Misfire has a 1 in 10 (10%) chance of happening.
It denotes an attitude and a brutal policy of draconian control by, , and manipulation of the past, including the '—a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practiced by modern repressive governments. See also. Orwellian society articles. Pertaining to a dystopia like in George Orwell's fictionExternal video, 5:31,' Orwellian' is an adjective describing a situation, idea, or societal condition that identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free. Often, this includes the circumstances depicted in his novels, particularly but political is criticized throughout his work, such as in.has said the term is 'the most widely used adjective derived from the name of a modern writer'.
Ice Climbers
Yes, Ice Climbers have something kinda RNG; I’ll explain. Ice Climbers’ neutral special gains more of a chance to freeze over 100. But, it doesn’t always freeze. If you have Popo alone and use side special, its more than likely not to freeze but it can freeze. I’m just saying I’m not sure if this is RNG or more of the addition or depletion of Popo and Nana, so don’t harass me over it.
RNG Galore! First off for Hero, Hocus Pocus, one of many Hero’s side special. Many outcomes, I think 21, can happen. Snooze, Kaclang, Kamikazee, Zoom, and some other variations for Hero’s spells.
Hero can also be given an effect kind of like the flower effect on himself, given a Super Mushroom effect making his attacks a bit stronger, invincibility (star power hahah), timer effect, lightning or poison mushroom effect, he can also kill himself with Hocus Pocus’ Thwack and Wack* and obviously Kamikazee. Fuck, this character is not just based on RNG. Screw you RNG complainers :).
*Literally I’m not sure if that happens or not because all Hocus Pocus is, is a RNG move. I’ve seen Hero die instantly before without Kamikazee. I may be correct or not.

Hero used Smash Attack!
Critical Hit!
While critical hits have a 1 out of 8 (.125%) chance of happening, we can’t really blame them for adding this. It make the game “balanced” in my opinion. Having RNG for those makes the game more fun and neat. So yes, Smash attack is RNG. That’s not all.
*Car noises intensify*
Zoom is a spell that lift’s you high off the map and places you back on stage. But you say “How is this RNG?” Let me tell you friend that it is RNG because it places you in different spots. So yeah.
Ima Thwack or Wack dat butt :eyes:
Okay, now this one is super obvious. Thwack and wack are projectiles that can instantly KO an opponent. Thwack has more range up close, and wack has a traveling range. Some people hate the facts that it doesn’t kill instantly or doesn’t have a high enough chance of killing instantly in low percents. This move can reflected however. Does it increase the chances of KO’ing the user? I don’t know that.
Notice how I say low percents. Though it very unlikely to get a KO with this move when both are at 0%.
The more damage that inflicted on you and/or your opponent, the higher the chances. I tested this in training mode myself and it is true. Even test it for yourself.
The last thing RNG for Hero is the spell menu. Every time Hero uses down special, he pulls a command list of four spells. He may select a spell or simply cancel it, use it again, for the spell the player would like. Anyway, the selection is completely random.
Now onto the last character for this part of the blog.
Duck Hunt
Duck Hunt is one of the more unique fighters in the Smash series, making their debut in Smash 4. You might be surprised that this fighter has RNG. Their down special, “Wild Gunman”, places down one of five of them, they never are placed down in a specific order. They all do a difference in damage as well.
Conclusion for Part 1
Smash currently is filled lots of RNG. Though not making this blog more longer, I feel like I did a good job in my opinion explaining some stuff. Sorry if this sounded like a guide but hey, I tried my best. Anyway thanks for reading, and see you in Part 2!