Day Of The Tentacle Cat
пятница 27 марта admin 16
A complete solution to the LucasArts computer game Day of the Tentacle. Goto secret lab in clock. Plug in extension lead to hamster. The cat gets the white color on its fur, looks like a skunk now and is not very amused. So we should get the cat down from there now. Get upstairs, all.
Cat QuestCat Quest is a hidden gem. You’ll have loads of fun as you earn the platinum trophy in this action-RPG. There are no missable trophies so play it as you like.Chaos on DeponiaThis point and click adventure is highly regarded.
You’ll probably want to follow a guide to get all of its trophies in one playthrough. For those interested, its EU and US trophy lists are stackable.Day of the Tentacle RemasteredYet another classic point and click adventure game. Most of Day of the Tentacles Remastered‘s trophies are missable. Just follow a guide and be done with it.DeponiaYet another point and clicker.
Deponia has loads of missable trophies so once again use a guide. It’s a short game though.Don’t Knock TwiceA short and sweet horror game, Don’t Knock Twice has some trophies for picking up collectables, but you’ll be done with it in little over an hour.Ducati: 90th AnniversaryAn easy platinum trophy for racing game fans. Ducati: 90th Anniversary only has a few online trophies, and the rest are easy to unlock too.
Duck DynastyIf you’ve ever watched Duck Dynasty, you might be interested in playing the game. It has a few missable trophies, so watch out for them. Otherwise, it’s a strangely enjoyable game.Dying RebornIf you don’t mind playing an awful horror game for an easy platinum, Dying Reborn is for you. It takes about 2 hours, and its EU, US and China trophy lists are stackable.
Day of the Tentacle Walkthrough.A.J.Sithers 19930. About this walkthroughThis is the long-awaited walkthrough for LucasArts' Dayof The Tentacle. IMHO I don't think that this game isas long or as difficult as Indy Jones or Monkey Island2, but it does contain some beautifuly crafted puzzles.Since the puzzles are all inter-linked, I've tried tosplit the walkthrough into discrete sections. If youonly want a small hint, then take a look at the sectionsub-headings and this should give you some idea of whatto do for each main task.Caveat: This is a complete and utter spoiler and itmight wreck your enjoyment of the game. Use this ONLYas a last resort since ALL the puzzles are logical (toa degree), and if a complete doofus like me can solveit, then so can you.1. Intro1.1 Secret LabIs found by getting bernard to open the clock1.2 Battery PlansAre found on the notice board in Dr Fred's lab2. Getting Laverne down from the tree.Get the can of red paint from the attic bedroom in thehouse.
Use the paint on the kunquat tree beside theouthouses. Talk to George Washington and goad him intocutting down a cherry tree, which he does, freeingLaverne in the future.3. Getting a disguise for Laverne.Tell the guard you don't feel well and he'll take youto the medical room. Take the tentacle chart from thewall and return to the kennel. Now tell the guard thatyou need to use the bathroom. Outside the Cron-o-John,give the tentacle chart to hoagie.Take the chart to Betsy Ross' room and put it on top ofthe prototype flag plans. This will cause a tentacleflag to appear in the future.Go to the roof and take the crank from the flag pole.Give it to Laverne.Return to the kennel.
Tell the guard you don't feelwell again. Climb up the chimney to the roof. Use thecrank handle in the crank box and get the flag. Usethe flag to disguise yourself as a rather fetchingtentacle.4. Getting the battery for hoagie.First of all, give the plans to Red Edison in thebasement laboratory.4.1.
OilIs found hidden in the kitchen pantry.4.2. VinegarTake the bottle of wine from Ben Franklins room. Talkto Jefferson and suggest that he uses the wine in histime-capsule. Now give the can opener to Laverne.Go to the old museum room on the second floor and usethe can opener on the time capsule. Pick up the stalewine (vinegar) and give it to Hoagie.4.3. GoldTake the letter from the mailbox outside the front ofthe house and give it to Bernard.Give the letter to Dwayne, the depressed novelty goodsdesigner. Take the flag gun from his room.
Go to themain hall and use the flag gun with the lighter gun onthe table. Talk to the salesman about his cigars andtake one when offered. Give the cigar and the lightergun to Hoagie. Open the grating in the floor. Try totake the chattering teeth, which will jump away fromyou.
Keep trying to pick up the teeth and eventualythey will get trapped in the open grating. You can nowtake them. Give them to Hoagie.Give the cigar to Washington.
When it has exploded,give him the chattering teeth. Jefferson will light afire. Pick up the blanket from the floor. Go up tothe roof, and put the blanket over the chimney. Thiswill set off the smoke alarm, clearing the main halland leaving Hoagie free to take the gold quill. Takeit, the oil and the vinegar to Red in the basement andhe'll knock up a battery for you. Take it from thebench once it is finished.4.4.
Charging the batteryTake the help wanted sign from the window in theentrance hall and give it to Hoagie.Take the bucket from the wash room. Open the cupboardand take the brush as well. In the kitchen use thepump on the bucket to fill it with water.
Go up toWashingtons bedroom. Push his bed to mess it up andthen call the maid by pulling on the cord. Once she isdistracted by the messy room you can take the soap fromher cart just outside the doorway. Now use the soap onthe bucket of water and go outside to the dirtycarrage. Wash the carrage with the brush and it startsto rain (the clue for this is found when Bernard looksat the windscreen of the car outside the motel).
BenFranklin comes in from the rain and takes his kite tohis room. Take the help wanted sign to Red Edison, whogives you a job. Now you can take the lab coat. Givethe coat to Franklin, who will make a kite from it.When you are ready to launch the kite, use the batteryon it, and then push the kite when told.
Watch theanimation as you charge the battery.5. Getting the diamond for the time machine.For this, you need to get Dr Fred some money. Talk tohim and you'll find out about his recurring nightmareand why he is so broke.5.1. Getting the contract.Take the video tape from Green Tentacle's room, and getboth jugs of coffee from the kitchen. Take the swissbank account book from the desk in the office. Fred in the lab and give him some decaffinatedcoffee.5.1.1 Getting rid of Nurse EdnaNormaly, when you push Edna out of the room, she grabshold of the statue and springs back in, so.Take the left-handed mallet from the bench in thelabatory.
Go to Ned and Jed's studio and use the left-handed mallet on the right-handed mallet to swap themover. Watch the future repercussions.Now you are free to push Nurse Edna out of the room.(back to the main plot)Use the videotape on the VCR and then look at themonitor with Dr Fred on it.
Press the REC button torecord Fred opening the safe. Switch the video to EP,rewind the tape, and watch it again. Bernard memorisesthe safe combination, so go to the safe (behind thepicture in the office) and open it. Take the contract.5.2. Getting the contract signed.Go up the the attic bedroom (via the chimney to avoidthe IRS guys) and free Dr Fred by taking the rope. Goout of the window and use the rope on the pully. Go tooutside the front door of the motel, and use thedangling ropeon Dead Cousin Ted, the birdbath.
Returnto the roof, and pull on the rope.Give the red paint to Bernard.Use the red paint on Dead Cousin Ted, and then use Tedwith Dr Fred. When the coast is clear, use the rope onDr Fred, go to the roof and pull on the end of the rope(Bernard will take Fred to the lab). Go to thewashroom and take the funnel from the cupboard. Returnto the lab, use the funnel on Dr Fred and then use theregular coffee on the funnel. Once Fred is awake, gethim to sign the contract by telling him that you'llsort out Purple tentacle yourself and that you offeredhim a bribe.5.3. Getting a stamp.Take the ink from Dwaynes room. Go to Weird Ed Edisionand use the ink on his stamp book.
When you get kickedout of his room pick up the stamp, and return the bookto him.5.4. Getting the cashPut the stamp on the envelope and give it to Hoagie.Put the envelope in the mail box.
It will be collectedby the pony express.5.5. Getting the diamond itself.Use a T.V. In one of the guests rooms to watch theadvert, then use a phone to order a diamond. When itarrives, give it to Dr Fred.6. Winning the human contest.6.1. Getting a contestant.Go to the tasteless room and use the roller skates onthe mummy.
Push the mummy out of the door. Talk tothe blue tentacle in the main hall to get a name tagfor your human. Go and put it on the mummy.6.2. Nobble the competition.Go to Green Tentacle's room, and turn on the hi-fi.This will loosen the fake barf. To free it completly,push the speaker over onto the floor. Turn off the hi-fi before you go. Pick up the fake barf from theentrance hall and give it to Laverne.Use the fake barf with Harold.6.3.
Winning the best laugh.Give the scalple to Bernard.Use the scalpel on Oozo the Clown. Pick up the Box o'Laughs, and give it to Laverne.Use the Box o' Laughs with the mummy.
Tell thetentacles to come and judge the best laugh.6.4. Winning the best smile.Give the textbook to Hoagie.Use the textbook on the horse (on the 2nd floor), whowill fall asleep. Take the dentures and give them toLaverne.Use the dentures with the mummy. Tell the tentacles tocome and judge the best smile.6.5.
Winning the best hair.Get the spaghetti from the kitchen and give it toLaverne.Get the fork from the kitchen and give it to Laverne.Use the (now) soggy noodles on the mummy, and then tidythe 'hair' by using the fork on the mummy's head. Tellthe tentacles to come and judge the best hair.7. Freeing the Edisons (and getting Laverne into thelab).7.1. Bejeweled 2 classic. To get rid of the kennel guard.Give him the dinner certificate.7.2.To shift the Edisons from jail.Take the BooBoo-B-Gone from the desk drawer in theoffice and give it to Laverne.Use the BooBoo-B-Gone with the fence to get a stripeycat.7.2.1 Getting the stripey catGo to the attic room and use Ned's bed. Use thesqueaky matress with Jed's bed. Use the mattress againto distract the cat and allow you to take the mouse.Give the mouse to Laverne.Use the toy mouse on the stripey cat. Go to the kenneland use the cat. Space shuttle pilot simulator online.
Off go the Edisons and the so doesthe guard at the foot of the stairs.8. Getting Power for Laverne's capsule.Get the extention lead from the tasteless room and useit with the cron-o-john plug. Use the other end of itwith the lab window. Go to the lab and use theextention lead on the generator outlet.8.1 Getting a hamster.(You have to have upset Weird Ed to do this - if youhaven't done this then look at section 2.3).
Go toEd's room and take the hamster. You can't put thebeastie in the cron-o-john, so you need to preserve itin ice. Put the hamster in the ice machine.Go to the ice machine and retrieve the hamster. Usethe microwave oven to thaw him out.8.2 Drying the hamster.8.2.1. Getting the sweater from under the sleeping man.You'll need two dimes for this. The first is found inthe coin return tray of the out of order phone in theentrance hall. To get the other dime, first go to theroom with the sleeping man in it.
Close the door andtake the keys from it. Go out to the parking lot andgive the keys to the man in the ski mask who'll giveyou his crowbar in return. Use the crow bar on the gumstuck to the floor in the entrance hall.
Chew the gumto get the dime from it. Use both dimes in theFicklefingers coin slot (in the room with the sleepingman) to reveal the sweater.8.2.2 Drying the sweaterYou'll need more dimes for this.
Use the crowbar onthe candy machine to get the odd one or two. Put thesweater in the tumble dryer (in the washroom) and usethe coins on the coin slot.Go to the wash room and take the sweater from thedryer. Use it on the hamster to warm it up. Go to thelab and use the hamster on the generator.8.3 Getting the hamster back.Take the flyer from the rack in the entrance hall andgive it to Hoagie.Put the flyer into the constitution suggestion box.Use the new vaccum cleaner on the mouse hole in thelab. Open the cleaner and take out the dustball.9.
That's It!!It just remains for Hoagie to use the battery lead fromhis cron-o-john.10. End GameFor most of this, you can watch the animation. Whenyou regain control, go to Dwayne's room. On the wayPurple Tentacle will shoot you and shrink you. Gothrough the mouse hole in Dwayne's room. When youregain full size, take the bowling ball from GreenTentacle's room and go to the labatory.
Use thebowling ball on the Purple Tentacles and watch somemore animation. To finish the game suggest to PurpleTentacle that he shoot Dr Fred for a change.That's It!Day of The Tentacle and Maniac Mansion are copyrightsand trademarks of the LucasArts Entertainments Company.This walkthrough is not.It is copyright © A.J.Sithers 1993.Contact: email: